LPPC Ready to Partner with President and Congress to Power Growth

LPPC president-elect Tom Falcone today released a statement on the 2024 elections and energy priorities for the new administration and Congress:
“LPPC congratulates President Trump and the newly elected members of Congress on their successful election outcomes. We look forward to working with this administration and the new Congress to ensure American communities have the energy they need to match their ambitions and ideas. We want to power the growth of AI, manufacturing, and technology pivotal to our economy, and that will require permitting reform, guidance from the Treasury Department on elective pay tax credits for public power, and ongoing engagement with EPA to ensure power plant rules enable reliability, affordability, and sustainability.”
From rural towns in Nebraska and Oklahoma to major cities like Seattle and Los Angeles, many of the nation’s growing communities count on public power for a steady supply of reliable and affordable energy. The 29 members of LPPC are among the nation's largest not-for-profit public power utilities, owned by and accountable to the communities they serve. Together, they provide power to over 30.5 million Americans and own more than 80,000 megawatts of generation capacity and over 40,000 circuit miles of high-voltage transmission lines.