LPPC Responds to FERC’s Final Transmission Planning Rule

LPPC issued the following statement in response to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) final rule on regional transmission planning (Order No. 1920) released on May 13, 2024. The following statement can be attributed to LPPC President John Di Stasio:
“LPPC has worked collaboratively with FERC over the past two years as they have considered ways to improve long-term transmission planning. We appreciate the Commission's decision to incorporate the cost management principles that LPPC championed into the final rule, which will ensure our members have an opportunity to revisit the approval of transmission facilities if costs have escalated or benefits are no longer expected for the communities and consumers they serve.
LPPC members agree with the Commission that expanding America’s transmission system is vital to supporting a reliable and resilient electric grid, particularly as the industry incorporates more renewable resources. However, as not-for-profit, community-owned utilities, they are committed to ensuring their customers are safeguarded from undue financial burden as this occurs.
LPPC also supports FERC’s effort to ensure that robust stakeholder processes will precede project approvals. We are studying the rule to see whether it includes adequate safeguards protecting against funding for facilities LPPC members do not need.”