LPPC Issues Statement on EPA's Final Power Plant Rule

The Large Public Power Council (LPPC) issued the following statement in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) final power plant rule regulating carbon emissions released on April 25, 2024. The following statement is attributable to LPPC President John Di Stasio.
“LPPC members are working to expand the ways that clean energy powers communities across America and reduces carbon emissions from the electric power sector. Their goal is to ensure the energy they offer is as clean and reliable as possible while keeping the price affordable for customers.
LPPC has engaged with the EPA over the past year to develop a workable final rule that reduces carbon emissions to the maximum extent practical while also reflecting the priorities of the LPPC membership and the communities they serve. We appreciate the EPA’s addition of some flexibilities in an effort to address concerns for electric grid reliability in the final rule, but continue to be concerned about the rule’s impact on reliability as well as the ability to deploy carbon capture and storage technology on baseload generation in the timeframes required in the final rule.
Maintaining a sufficient supply of dispatchable natural gas generation as a backstop for intermittent generation sources is key to ensuring the electric power sector continues to decarbonize while also reliably meeting the growing demand of electricity. LPPC will continue to engage with the EPA as it develops carbon emissions rules for existing gas generation.”