LPPC Issues Statement Regarding EPA’s Proposed Rulemaking on Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS)

LPPC is pleased to see the EPA’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) that reaffirms the finding that rules for coal- and oil-fired steam generating units are appropriate and necessary. The rule would ensure that the existing emissions standards for MATS would remain in effect and unchanged. EPA finalized MATS in 2012 and required sources to meet emissions reduction standards by 2016. The rule, along with other changes in the power sector, has significantly reduced hazardous air pollutants from power plants – mercury emissions alone were reduced by more than 90% since 2010.
In response to a January 2021 executive order, the proposed rule also solicits information on the cost and performance of new or improved technologies that control hazardous air pollutants, improved methods of operation, and risk related information for EPA to re-evaluate the Residual Risk and Technology Review (RTR) for MATS. LPPC looks forward to working with the EPA in any reevaluation of the RTR determination that the agency may undertake.
LPPC, jointly with other electricity trade associations, labor unions, and business groups, has long supported this outcome for the reconsideration of the MATS rule.