LPPC Issues Statement on Clean Energy Innovation and Deployment Act of 2020

LPPC Statement on Clean Energy Innovation and Deployment Act of 2020
Washington D.C., July 9, 2020
Environmental stewardship, including the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, is an important responsibility of public power. Federal environmental laws and regulations should ensure that rules are cost-effective, rely on demonstrated technology, do not undermine electric system reliability, account for regional differences including the diversity of generation sources, and provide workable implementation schedules.
The Large Public Power Council (LPPC) is encouraged by the efforts of Representative DeGette to establish a federal framework for the electric sector, which could be included in an economy-wide strategy, which strives to achieve these objectives in facilitating a transition to a clean energy economy. We are especially encouraged by the fact that Representative DeGette’s Clean Energy Innovation and Deployment Act of 2020 calls for achieving net carbon dioxide reductions through the accelerated deployment of all types of low- or zero-emitting generation sources (not just renewable energy), provides credit for the carbon dioxide reductions achieved from natural gas generation, and includes substantive federal financial support, accessible to public power, for the accelerated demonstration and deployment of wide-range of emerging and innovative clean energy technologies.
LPPC appreciates the efforts of Representative DeGette and her staff in getting input from all interested stakeholders, including LPPC, and we look forward to continuing our efforts in the crafting of effective legislation for facilitating a transition to a clean energy economy.